Login to CPOMS for the 1st time.
To ensure optimum security all members of staff must firstly create their own password. This can be done by selecting the ‘Forgotten your password or using CPOMS for the first time?’ option beneath the ‘Log in’ button. Simply input your email address (College Email Address) and click ‘Reset Password’. This will then send a link to your email address where you can create your first CPOMS password.
Configure 2FA for CPOMS
You must download the ‘CPOMS Authenticator’ app to your chosen device i.e. a smart phone, tablet or iPad.
You can find the CPOMS Authenticator app by searching the name in your app store, or by using one of the following links/QR Codes.
Apple App Store:
Android Google Play Store:
Once you have downloaded the app, please log in to your CPOMS account on a separate device to the App.
Once you have logged in to CPOMS successfully, click on the ‘Account Settings’ section (Along the top bar), and then in to the ‘Security Keys’ tab.
Here you will see a sub-heading for the ‘CPOMS Authenticator’. enter a name for this device, (i.e. My iPad/ iPhone) and then click ‘Add new device’.
This will then bring up a QR code for you to scan via the App within your device, simply point the camera at the on screen QR code.
Once the app has scanned the QR code successfully it will begin to generate a 6-digit code which means the app is now linked to your CPOMS user account. Enter a name and the code in the box below the QR Code you just scanned and click save this device.
Getting a new phone? Remeber to remove the security key in CPOMS before you get your new phone!
return to CPOMS https://catmosecollege.cpoms.net/settings/security and remove your your device. you can only have one device setup at a time.